the blog - transformation

A space to share thoughts and tips to bring you alignment and success in your life and career.

success, balance and alignment

what happens when you or someone in your business makes a mistake? 6 tips on how to build psychological safety

Psychological safety is a term which you may be familiar with, or it might be completely new for you. Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson created the term to explain the environment and relationships where individuals believed "that one will not be...


5 tips on managing life and career transitions

5 tips on managing life and career transitions

For me, September always feels like a month of transitions and new beginnings! My parents worked in higher education, with August/September seeing the start of the new academic year. Clearing, a time in August when universities look to fill available places with new...

are you looking to tame your time and create more balance in your life and career?

Find out how understanding your time personality type can help you adjust to your natural working style and create a better workflow and bring about a change to your work/life balance

take my online quiz to help you discover your time personality type