the blog - uncertainty

A space to share thoughts and tips to bring you alignment and success in your life and career.

success, balance and alignment

ten ways to build your career and life confidence

The fear of uncertainty and the unknown often puts us into a state of flight, fight, freeze or fawn response. Many of us want to be certain before we’ll take that next step in our careers, make a decision that impacts our family or move ourselves out of our comfort...


ten ways to build your career and life confidence

ten ways to build your career and life confidence

The fear of uncertainty and the unknown often puts us into a state of flight, fight, freeze or fawn response. Many of us want to be certain before we’ll take that next step in our careers, make a decision that impacts our family or move ourselves out of our comfort...

feel out of sorts? check-in with your values

feel out of sorts? check-in with your values

Have you ever felt as though something is off-balance, misaligned, and not quite right? If you are riding a bicycle and the steering starts to pull to the left or right, you feel it. You know the bike isn’t riding straight as you possibly overcompensate when you...

vision and change management – top five tips

vision and change management – top five tips

If you’re looking to create a vision of where you want to be, either because you’re working on a goal or you’re going through change, here are some tips. Do you have a common vision or purposeI’ve used this technique when coaching leaders, integrated it into team...

are you looking to tame your time and create more balance in your life and career?

Find out how understanding your time personality type can help you adjust to your natural working style and create a better workflow and bring about a change to your work/life balance

take my online quiz to help you discover your time personality type