get in touch

 As a mum and a business woman, I know just what a juggling act life can be. Let me help you to succeed by providing coaching sessions to align with your existing commitments. 

success, balance and alignment

where to find me


Wiltshire, UK 


drop me a line

7 + 5 =

“Working with Bex saw me dedicate some time to my own development, [and] where I wanted to be in my career.

“Coaching combined with the pandemic gave me chance to re-evaluate my career and gave me chance to gain a better insight into what makes me tick. Working with Bex saw me dedicate some time to my own development, working out what I was good at and where I wanted to be in my career. The time and space saw me gain the confidence to look at where I could put my strengths to work and give me job satisfaction.”

– jen

are you looking to tame your time and create more balance in your life and career?

Find out how understanding your time personality type can help you adjust to your natural working style and create a better workflow and bring about a change to your work/life balance

take my online quiz to help you discover your time personality type