are you looking to tame your time and create more balance in your life and career?

Find out how understanding your time personality type can help you adjust to your natural working style and create a better workflow and bring about a change to your work/life balance

take my online quiz to help you discover your time personality type

welcome! hello there!


If you’re looking to create more balance in your life and career – the first step is to find out your time personality type.

You can then apply some top tips on how to adjust your working style to create more time and space to do the things you love with those you love.

Most of us are a combination of the different time personality types – to find out who you are we have developed a quiz. This is designed to be a little bit of fun, but to help you see where you could consider making small adjustments to the way you use your time.

You’ll find some bonus information about each time personality type with a little extra to help you tame your time.

helping you bring more success, balance & alignment into your life and career

success, balance & alignment

a bit about me

With over 20 years working in marketing and communications across the engineering, science, education, and technology sectors, I reset my career path to create balance, success and alignment with my life.

I now support small businesses, entrepreneurs and leaders to create success, balance and alignment in their work and life too. Many clients find that when they turn their focus to their mindset and strengths they start to see outstanding results for themselves, their teams and family. Read more about me and my values here.

About Rebecca Whitehead Executive Coach

Just some of the ways I can help

Executive & Leadership Coaching

Executive and Leadership Coaching

As a leader you have all of the technical expertise, knowledge and resources to achieve your desired outcome, but there is something that needs to get unstuck, a mindset shift, building confidence or over coming imposter syndrome to help you achieve where you want to get to.


Executive and Leadership Coaching

As a leader you have all of the technical expertise, knowledge and resources to achieve your desired outcome, but there is something that needs to get unstuck, a mindset shift, building confidence or over coming imposter syndrome to help you achieve where you want to get to.

  • Working on your strengths, skills, values and the type of leader you are
  • Creating awareness around your stress triggers and blind spots
  • Building up your confidence and identifying your superpowers
  • Establishing what’s important to you as a strategic leader
  • Thieving and building resilience through change and transitions
  • Enable you to be your best self and achieve your business objectives
  • Challenging self-limiting beliefs and reframing
  • Building stronger working relationships with peers and teams
  • A safe, confidential space to shape ideas and explore the rights solutions for you

Plan, pivot or progress your career

You may be at a point in your career and life that you’re questioning your purpose and your passion is being challenged.

Career and transition coaching supports you to look at where you want to be in your career and life. You might be questioning a career change, setting up your own business, looking to transition into a different role within the company, or look to leave and create a different career path.

career development and transition coaching

Plan, pivot or progress your career

You may be at a point in your career and life that you’re questioning your purpose and your passion is being challenged.

Career and transition coaching supports you to look at where you want to be in your career and life. You might be questioning a career change, setting up your own business, looking to transition into a different role within the company, or look to leave and create a different career path.


  • Review what gives you purpose and joy in your work and life
  • Establish your strengths and are they being utilised to their full so you are in alignment with your work, strengths and values
  • Vision where you want to be and how can you get there
  • Personality strengths assessment
  • 360 degree feedback from colleagues, family and friends
  • Action plan to promotion, transition or change
    Entrepreneur & small business coaching

    Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

    As the leader and CEO of your own company coaching offers you the opportunity to build confidence, develop skills to trust and delegate, overcome barriers to success, focus on your strengths, explore decision making and develop a growth mindset
    to succeed.


    Entrepreneur and Small Business Coaching

    As the leader and CEO of your own company coaching offers you the opportunity to:

    • Build confidence and clarity on your direction
    • Develop skills to trust and delegate if you’re scaling
    • Overcoming barriers to success
    • Focus on your strengths and explore what’s getting in your way for success
    • Make and explore decision making
    • Develop a growth mindset to succeed

    • Working on your strengths, skills, values and the type of leader you are
    • Creating awareness around your stress triggers and blind spots
    • Building up your confidence and identifying your superpowers
    • Establishing what’s important to you as a strategic leader
    • Thieving and building resilience through change and transitions
    • Enable you to be your best self and achieve your business objectives
    • Challenging self-limiting beliefs and reframing
    • Building stronger working relationships with peers and teams
    • A safe, confidential space to shape ideas and explore the rights solutions for you

    “she helped me realise my abilities and build my confidence”

    “We worked together with a mix of mentoring and coaching that saw me shift my mindset, work through reframing automatic negative thoughts and start to build a mixed business model that plays to my strengths of where I want to be in five to ten years’ time – as well as learning to focus on today. Coaching helped me build my confidence and think about my personal values..”

    – jen

    where to find me


    Wiltshire, UK 


    drop me a line

    10 + 6 =