Psychological safety is a term which you may be familiar with, or it might be completely new for you. Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson created the term to explain the environment and relationships where individuals believed "that one will not be...
the blog - mindset
A space to share thoughts and tips to bring you alignment and success in your life and career.
success, balance and alignment
why might you want to work with an executive coach?
Executive coaching can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. The process helps you create insights for you professionally, for your organisation and across your life. This means you can ensure you are working to the best of your abilities, and within an...
has your confidence taken a dip? 10 ways to build to your resilience and wellbeing
Where you have a role to lead a team, look after yourself and ensure the mental health of your family are all in the best shape, it can feel overwhelming. Especially if you have a personality type where you might have a tendency to look after everyone else first!...
why are leaders and business owners investing in coaching?
As Andrew MacAskill, one of LinkedIn’s change makers and highly successful career coaches highlights, there are some particular skills that are in high demand. These are: AgilityDistributed team leadershipCutting through complexityTalent attraction and...
how do you go about building your professional purpose?
You might be in a place at the moment where you are questioning your professional purpose. You’re seeking to find meaning in what you do in your day-to-day work, and are looking to re-energise your career and life as a whole. In Japan, the Japanese call...
bounce back by shifting your perspective
Do any of these sentences sound familiar? “I can’t do it.” “I am not getting any better at this!” “I don’t have time.” “It’s not good enough.” “I messed up.” “I’m so behind.” I’ve been guilty of some pretty poor negative self-talk in the past! What I’ve learnt is to...
ten ways to build your career and life confidence
The fear of uncertainty and the unknown often puts us into a state of flight, fight, freeze or fawn response. Many of us want to be certain before we’ll take that next step in our careers, make a decision that impacts our family or move ourselves out of our comfort...
do you have your best ideas in the shower? discover the power of the ‘blue mind’!
Research by in the UK and the American Psychological Association in the US show the health and mood benefits of being in nature. There are now many research studies including doctors across the globe, prescribing nature as medicine, which show the...
vision and change management – top five tips
If you’re looking to create a vision of where you want to be, either because you’re working on a goal or you’re going through change, here are some tips. Do you have a common vision or purposeI’ve used this technique when coaching leaders, integrated it into team...
4 tips to embrace being perfectly imperfect
In Japanese culture there is an art of using gold to put broken pottery pieces back together. It is called Kintsugi and is built on the idea that in embracing flaws and imperfections you can create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art. This really resonated...
get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Change is constant and when working in marketing and communications the reactive nature of the role meant I was constantly dealing with change, uncertainty and adjusting priorities often on an hourly basis. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable is a phrase I used a...
are you looking to tame your time and create more balance in your life and career?
Find out how understanding your time personality type can help you adjust to your natural working style and create a better workflow and bring about a change to your work/life balance