Remember when you were a kid and summer holidays or any holiday for that matter felt like forever? Time seemed as though it was endless – especially after a day on the beach, all sun-kissed, covered in sand and eating chips with tangy salt and vinegar.
As a child you focus on what you love. Those things that bring you laughter and joy. But as an adult for many of us it all seems quite different.
Have you ever wondered if you could live your life with a career that energised you? A life where you and work were integrated – creating time, calm and focus?
Each day sees 24 hours that’s 1,440 minutes. In a 7-day week that’s 168 hours and 10,080 minutes.
1. How do you spend your time?
Did you know you have choice and influence over how you spend some of your day?
You might be parent, a carer and have responsibilities that mean you feel your time is stretched each day. Adrienne Herbert author of the ‘Power Hour’ is a fan of the 5am club – she advocates that we have train ourselves to get up at 5am and set ourselves goals to achieve in first few hours of the day – undistracted.
This is not me yet – but I am making small changes that are leading to bigger changes in how I influence my time. If you would like to learn more about how inducing small changes can free up more time for the things you love read on.
2. Have you ever thought about doing a time audit?
Give this a try – break each day into 15-minute chunks and track how you spend your time from scrolling on social media, to how long you spend brushing your teeth – create your own time data log.
- What have you found out about yourself?
- What surprised you about how you spend your day?
- When and how do you procrastinate or become a time sponge and when are you a time perfector?
- What are you doing when you’re in a state of flow and time flies by because you’re enjoying what you do?
- Where can you see time that could be refocussed on those things you want to do?
- What can you do differently?
3. Identity where you can say no
I understand that you want to do everything! You might feel overwhelmed and as though you are the only one who can do all the things that need to be done. Ask yourself – if this is really the case?
Have a look at your day and see what you can move, say no to just for today or no to because it is something you don’t need to be doing at all.
4. If you say yes to something what are you saying no to?
In those 24 hours each day – what are the most important things to you? What are your non-negotiables? Look at how you can build your day around what is important for you.
5. How are you putting in place boundaries? Are you protecting your time?
Do you find yourself in back-to-back meetings? Schedule meetings for 45 minutes to give yourself 15 minutes break to reset before the next one. Or even less if you can! Are your evenings full of night classes or after school activities for the children? What can you reduce? Say no to and look to create a calmer balance in your life?
6. How can you delegate or ask for help?
Can you delegate tasks to those at home or at work? What can be done in a different way? Who is in your team and life that are your support team? Who amongst your friends, family or colleagues can you ask for help?
7. Start small and build
What difference would it make to wake 15, 20, or 30 minutes earlier each day?
8. Have self-compassion but don’t allow yourself to hide away
Start by committing to yourself three times a week to get up earlier and do those things you’ve been meaning to do. A 20-minute HITT workout, setting your intention and goals for the day, eating breakfast – whatever it is that is right for you.
Fancy finding out a little bit more about the type of time personality you have a natural leaning towards?
Take the time personality quiz to see if the hints and tips are helpful for you in taming your time and working towards success, balance and alignment in your life and career.