your results are in!

Thank you for taking part in this quiz!

I’m excited for you to discover your time personality type! You can now work through the resources below to feel calmer, more in control of your time and how you spend it.

I help busy leaders, CEOs and entrepreneurs achieve calm, success, balance and alignment in their work life. If you would like to book a no obligation, complimentary discovery call, please click the button below.

your time personality type is


Time Sponge

You’re hyper focused on particular tasks. You are known for saying, ‘I’m running late, I’ll be there in a minute’! Your super time power is getting lost in a project or task to the extent that you lose all sense of time and can’t hear what is going on around you. When something doesn’t go to plan, you struggle to transition between tasks and environments when you’re focussed and in your state of flow.

your goal:

To maximise your hyper focussed strength by putting in place tactics to support your loved ones and colleagues understand how to bring you back to the present. To be more open to scheduling and deadlines in a way that works for you.

your focus:

To decide how long you have to focus on a task ahead of time so you can plan and also track time. To put in place alerts and time reminders to help monitor time passing. These can either be via your phone or computer or by asking friends/ family or a colleague to come and talk to you at a given time. Look to wrap the task up at the end of the given time slot. Celebrate your win! Then move onto the next task.

Place your key, wallet, shoes and those items you need to leave the house by the door in the same place each day to help smooth the morning routine.



Use this planner to identify your big must do goals for the week and break them down